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Secret U.S. Proposals of the Cold War by Jim Keeshan
Secret U.S. Proposals of the Cold War by Jim Keeshan - Image 1 of 0
Secret U.S. Proposals of the Cold War by Jim Keeshan - Image 2 of 0
Secret U.S. Proposals of the Cold War by Jim Keeshan - Image 1 of 0
Secret U.S. Proposals of the Cold War by Jim Keeshan - Image 2 of 0
Secret U.S. Proposals of the Cold War by Jim Keeshan - Image 1 of 0
Secret U.S. Proposals of the Cold War by Jim Keeshan - Image 2 of 0

Secret U.S. Proposals of the Cold War by Jim Keeshan

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Product Code: SECRETUS
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Anigrand Fans will LOVE this book!
Aircraft design of the Fifties and Sixties Cold War-era was one part Buck Rogers, one part Ian Fleming and one part Isaac Asimov. This book is filled with secret aircraft designs in model form, ranging from company desk and design models to the outrageous concept kits of model companies like Hawk and Aurora! If you love Anigrand's line of unusual, experimental and conceptual resin aircraft and spacecraft kits, then
176 Pages! Hardcover!

Books are signed by author Jim Keeshan!

Secret U.S. Proposals of the Cold War by Jim Keeshan



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