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Box art of scale model from the Jurassic Park of the dinosaur chase vehicle, 'Snagger's Humvee' shown in the movie, 'The Lost World' using a photo of the actual vehicle used in the movie with a T-Rex head in lower left corner roaring.

Revell #85-3620 Lost World Jurassic Park Snagger Humvee

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Product Code: REV853620

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Kit #85-3620. 1/25 scale. 'SnapTite' kit. Revell / Monogram release of Snap-Together model kit of the dinosaur chase vehicle, 'Hunter's Humvee Snagger' from the movie The Lost World of the Jurassic Park franchise. Model kit includes moving wheels, the vehicle has chrome claw and hunter's chair.

Revell #85-3620 Lost World Jurassic Park Snagger Humvee



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